SLFS Membership
If you're seeking to achieve your potential in figure skating, celebrate excellence and have fun in the process, Salt Lake Figure Skating would love to have you as a member. We welcome all levels of skaters, from beginners through to elite athletes.
There are several categories of SLFS membership - see below for information to help you choose the category most appropriate for you and your family. The SLFS code of conduct is available here.
Salt Lake Figure Skating membership years begin on July 1st and ends on June 30th annually.
Questions? Contact us.
Membership Benefits
Membership with SLFS includes membership to US Figure Skating and provides you with the ability to:
Test at U.S. Figure Skating sponsored test sessions
Compete at U.S. Figure Skating sanctioned events
Participate in U.S. Figure Skating qualifying events
Represent Salt Lake Figure Skating at local, regional, sectional, and national events
Participate in SLFS exhibitions and ice shows
Participate in SLFS club parties, volunteer opportunities, and events
Apply for the Skater Recognition Program*
In addition, you will:
Receive an annual subscription to Skating Magazine from US Figure Skating (one per household)
Receive newsletters and other communications from SLFS
Have Voting Rights at the SLFS General Membership Meeting.*
Have access to Club Ice.*
* = Some membership types do not include the benefits indicated with an asterisk *. Please review the Membership Types and Fees carefully for full details.
Membership Types
Competitor Memberships
Can participate in test sessions and USFS sanctioned competitions
Full Member (18 and over)
This class of membership is also for non-skaters who wish to participate in the club with all rights and benefits. All benefits and privileges, including club ice.
Price: $160 annually
Annual volunteer requirement: 10 hours
Voting rights for club board positions
Eligible for board member position
Full Member (under 18)
Requires that at least one parent also register as a Parent Partner;. All benefits and privileges, including club ice.
Price: $160 annually
Eligible to apply for Skater Recognition Program
For college students enrolled full-time at a public or private college or university. This membership is a four year membership for a onetime fee with all benefits of a Full Member, including club ice. Proof of enrollment required each year.
Price: $145
Annual volunteer requirement: 10 hours
Subsequent Family Member
If you have two or more members of your family who would like to be Full members of the Club, this level is for you. After the initial member pays the Full Member fees (either over/under 18 years of age), each additional member can join at a reduced rate.
Price: $90
Adult members who choose this membership category are over the age of 18. This category excludes Club Ice.
Price: $100
Annual Volunteer requirement: 10 hours
Introductory Memberships
Access to club ice
Introductory/1st Year
This membership is a one-time, one-membership year only for first-time for skaters who have never been a member of U.S. Figure Skating.
Price: $60
Jump Start 2nd Year
This membership is for those who have been a previous member of U.S. Figure Skating or previously enrolled in Jump Start.
Price $90
Volunteer Hours Required: 5
Membership for Coaches & USFS Officials
Price: Free
Can participate in test sessions and USFS sanctioned competitions
Access to club ice
Voting rights for club board positions
SafeSport background check required
Coach membership entitles you to claim Salt Lake Figure Skating as your Home Club with all the rights and privileges afforded to Full Members (USFS or PSA clearance required). As a bonus, SLFS will reimburse you for the USFS mandatory background checks.
Not eligible to be a board member
Volunteer Hours Required: See SLFS Coaching Agreement for details.
Judges & Officials
For individuals who have U.S. Figure Skating appointments as a Judge or other Official.
Are eligible to be a board member
Other Types of Membership
Parent Partner
This membership category is mandatory for parents of skaters under the age of 18 and includes Voting Rights.
Price: $45
Voting rights for club board positions
Eligible for board member position
Annual volunteer time requirement: 10 hours
Introductory Guardian
This is for parents of Introductory Members. Required for at least one parent.
Price: Free
SafeSport background check required
Annual volunteer time requirement: 5 hours
This membership level is for those individuals who may be full members of another club but also wish to support the Mission of Salt Lake Figure Skating.
Price: $80-includes club ice
How to Become a Member
Membership applications and renewals are accepted from June 1st through March 31st.
Applications are not accepted after March 31st for the membership year ending June 30th.
SLFS does not pro-rate any membership types.
Club transfers are accepted, at no cost, year round.
All memberships will be processed through EntryEeze. If you have any questions, please contact us. We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our Club as soon as possible.
New Members
Go to EntryEeze
Click on "Apply For Membership"
If you are the first and only member of your family to join SLFS, click on "Create a new family account." If another member of your family already has an account with SLFS, click on "Login to existing family account".
Fill out the information.
Existing Members
Go to EntryEeze
Click on "Access My Account"
Enter your SLFS EntryEeze email address and password.
Fill out the information.